In the intricate world of healthcare revenue management, the difference between thriving and merely surviving often hinges on the efficacy of your billing processes. Did you know that poor billing practices cause doctors in the US to lose an estimated $125 billion dollars each year? Automation stands as a beacon of progress, offering a multitude […]
Tagged in: Denial Management
Embrace Efficiency:
Reducing Claims Denial with PHIMED PhyGeneSys Solution
As a healthcare provider, you know the frustration when medical claims are kicked back. Not only does it cost you time and money to analyze and resubmit the claim, but denials can also lead to lost revenue and decreased patient satisfaction. Minimizing claims denial is arguably the biggest challenge facing medical practice management. It’s no […]
How to Prevent Medical Claims Denial: Follow These Steps and Increase Your Clean Claim Rate
At the risk of stating the obvious, the ever-increasing regulations and shrinking reimbursements have pushed revenue cycle management to the front of the line for medical practices, including billing companies. It’s truly unfortunate; delivering exceptional patient care is challenged by the financial burdens of payroll, overhead, and retained earnings. Fortunately, there is a solution, but […]